Our Impact
The consortium is a partnership of agencies operating in the social enterprise and charitable sector.
What binds the collaborators is a clear commitment to personal and community benefit and the commitment to build on the value-driven approach of the not-for-profit, independent sector to deliver our shared vision.
With the new Social Value Act in place, commissioners will be asking providers to demonstrate the wider value created beyond price, from employing local people to reinvesting profit back into the community.
As a non-profit agency led by service users and organisations based within the City of Birmingham and Solihull, the Consortium places a strong emphasis on the wider social value it can generate through the provision of mental health and wellbeing services.
In 2023/2024 we recorded the following numbers:

One Impact
A Clients Experience Report
"The killing of George Floyd and the global pandemic left me a shell of the former person I once was. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and having no place to go and get the help I needed.
[...] In comes the ‘Healing Circle’! I have to say my friend had told me to attend many times, as she was a regular, but I had every excuse not to; having run out of excuses, and after a particular low day I decided to sign in. The session began with the 'Pattigift Broadcast' - come to breathe, listen and heal! (eight sessions on and that phrase still catches my breath).
For the first time I heard that there wasn’t something wrong with ME, but that I was experiencing the ‘weathering’ of what is wrong with society…it was there I exhaled!
Clancy and Michele’s grace, fun and listening gift to every woman was a joy to be part of. I learnt ways to regulate my stress, and affirmation of who I am and culturally strengthening values, principles and practices that carried me from one week to the next. I found that I was able to see myself and the experiences that I had gone through with compassion because I did not feel judged and I felt I could speak openly and freely knowing that every woman understood in some way shape and form what I was sharing.
I have a much brighter and calmer outlook in life now, and I too attend the sessions as often as I can, knowing that some days I just need to turn up and the group have got my back! Thank you Pattigift… and thank you Clancy and Michele… these sessions should be available on prescription!!" - Healing Circle Client