Living Well Operating Structure and Business Model
The Vision
‘To deliver high quality health and wellbeing services through third sector organisations, sharing opportunities and responsibilities to improve the wellbeing of those affected by or at risk of mental health problems’
The Mission
‘To secure sustainable investment in, and bring together, third sector mental health providers in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands to deliver high quality health and wellbeing services at a local level’
What Living Well Consortium does and stands for
Living Well Group offers a unique service to NHS and Local Authority commissioners and other funding organisations. The Living Well Consortium (LWC) represents a membership of over 30 specialist third sector organisations, charities and social enterprises working broadly in the field of mental health. Over the last seven years LWC has built an excellent reputation for high quality service delivery and excellent recovery rates. The unique benefit of LWC is its flexibility to scale services to the emerging needs of the contract and client. By drawing its resource from a wide provider base (all of whom are quality assured and have been trained to meet the highest standards of service delivery, clinical excellence and safeguarding practice) LWC is able to offer a cost-effective service that can develop iteratively with the emerging needs of the patients we serve, and commissioners. LWC can take into consideration each individuals needs and signpost them accordingly to support their mental wellbeing. LWCs services and approaches range from: one-to-one counselling services, culturally sensitive support, guided self-help, relaxation techniques, telephone counselling and many other accredited talking therapies. LWCs services are available everyday including evenings and weekends on request.
Living Well Consortium has two core factors that make it unique and sustainable:
- LWCs delivery model of diverse, specialist, organisations working together to deliver integrated mental health and wellbeing services that meet the needs of all members of the community.
- LWC offers a triage and single point of contact so individuals can be navigated to the most appropriate treatment for them.
Living Well Consortiums Model and Operational Structure
The Consortium operates with a ‘hub and spoke’ structure. The hub is the central office that holds executive responsibilities including negotiating and sub-letting contracts, while the spokes are the individual member organisations. LWC offers a unified, community-based mental health and psychological wellbeing service, delivered by charities and social enterprises with a wide range of specialisms and expertise. LWCs interventions have been designed to strengthen and improve access to psychological therapies and the wider suite of counselling provisions within primary care in the West Midlands region.